The Mills Education
Individuals and organisations can apply to The Mills Educational Foundation though their grants program.
All applications must meet our criteria and understand the conditions of any grant given.
The Trustees will consider applications for Grants from school aged children who attend school in Framlingham and adjoining villages and first year university students. Applications can be made at any time but will be considered at the Trustee meetings which happen once a month.
Grants are awarded to those in need, hardship and distress.
An application form can be downloaded on which applicants are required to give details of the activity for which the funding is required. Parents of applicants under the age of 18 will be required to declare their families finances.
A short description written by the applicant/School, giving details of the purpose of the activity should be submitted as part of the application form.
MEF Grants – Mills Educational foundation - offers grants to local school children and first year university students.

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